Strong Human
Let's be honest, we all love food. It is normal to crave sweets and things that aren't the best for our bodies but good for the souls, right? We are only human, and it's okay as long as we keep it to a moderation. I love my carbs and my sweets and when my body craves it, man do I feed it! In moderation of course, because if I don't then my body will only crave it more and more and I won't have self control because I'm depriving my body of what I should actually be eating. Be strong to know when to stop, life is beautiful and we only have one so might as well enjoy it! We are humans, we are not perfect - no one is.
Inside out Beautiful
We are all different and that is what makes us unique. We are all beautiful in ur own way and that is power, because think about it, there are no others like you out there, there is only one you and that is YOU! so take that power and let your inner beauty glow. Take care of your body because you only have one. Outside beauty is only the reflection of inside beauty. Always remember real beauty is more than a pretty face and a nice body, it's a beautiful mind heart and soul, and that shows.
Discipline and Consistent
We all have the power to achieve anything we want, it just takes discipline and consistent. For me, I workout because I honestly love it! I love the way I feel after a workout, I love the way i feel after a great meal and to be honest I love the way I look, it's like a bonus I'm happy to get. Don't compare yourself to others, that's a big mistake! everyone's bodies are different and responde different to different workouts. Nothing happens over night, everything takes time, discipline and in order to see results you have to be consistent. It isn't easy but it is possible!