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Sunday, August 6, 2017

How I asked my Bridal Party - (DIY)

Hello friends!! I know it has been a hot minute since my last post but life is cray cray busy right now. I wanted to share with you my Maid of honer and Braidsmaids proposal. I have a total of 2 Braidsmaids and my Maid of honor... I know a super small Bridal party but they are all I need! Anyways onto the actually making of the proposal... I wanted to keep it simple, minimalistic, a little bit rustic, and a little bit industrial with a touch of green. But most importanly, budget friendly (I'm still not sure on the color theme thats why I went with neutral). Everything I purchased myself and handmade myself, (hint the DIY). I wanted a plain box, so I got mine from Michaels (most of everything is from there) it's a photo box thingy, super affordable, they have them in many colors. I also added a few goodies for my girls. Things I knew they will like and actually use on a daily basis. I added a mini Rose wine bottle, super cute! And I gotta say I am very proud of myself with the handmade personalized cards I made for each of my girls. My braidsmaids got the same things just different colors on a few items. My Maid of Honor got the same plus a couple more goodies. I'm super happy with how everything turned out... so cute and perfect just how I wanted it. Here are some pictures of everything from the boxes to the goodies, the cards, and everything else. I hope this helps to inspire you for your Bridal party proposal. I want to thank my girls for coming out that night and for a fun night!! I love you girls and I cannot wait to start planning the wedding!! You girls are the best!!<3


I hope this post was helpful for all my beautiful Brides to be and thank you so much for the love. XOXO!

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